Infrastructure Development

The Company will provide various infrastructure facilities intrinsically aligned to the growth of the community and the needs of the NRIs. It will be involved in structuring, financing and developing large infrastructure projects like housing, industrial buildings, roads, canals, etc. Also, the company will drive towards providing alternative energy sources that utilize various forms of renewable sources.

The Company can categorize the infrastructure segment into:

Critical infrastructure – This is defined as infrastructure that enables growth, and that are linked to controlling and commencing development activity.

Eg: Wastewater network, waste management, roads and bridges,etc.

Essential infrastructure – These include projects that are necessary to make proposed development acceptable and are in relation to trip and population generated by the development.

Eg: Schools, health requirement, public transport facilities, etc.

Desirable infrastructure – This is defined as infrastructure that is required to sustain growth, but does not prevent development.

Eg: Community facilities, libraries, sports facilities, etc


  1. Housing Projects
    • Provide a combination of quality material and superior design
    • Energy efficient homes
    • Designs that harmonize with the scenic beauty of the landscape
    • Restore hills, ponds and trees
  2. School Infrastructure
    • a well planned, functional with architecturally pleasing features
    • Spacious and well ventilated rooms
    • The architecture will allow free movement in and out of classrooms for students and teachers
    • Transport facility
    • Library, laboratories, administrative blocks, Staff room, playgrounds, other facilities like art and craft room, dance room, sports rooms, SUPW room, etc.
  3. Hospital Infrastructure
    • Better hospitals with cleaner, and spacious rooms and facilities
    • Equip with power and facilities to maintain round – the – clock operation of the hospital
    • Cutting edge surgical suites
    • Prevention of spread of infectious diseases and control of noise and dust